Sunday, April 24, 2011

William's First Easter

Will can sit up for short periods if slightly supported!
Well much has happened this month. Exactly one week before William turned 5 months old he rolled over from his back to his belly, and now we cannot keep him in one spot! Not only does he roll across blankets, but he scoots himself out of his chairs or seats and wiggles himself across the floor, sort of a worm crawl. He is on the move, not too quick yet but we definitely have to keep a closer eye on him now! He is a quick clip of his "real" rollover (and not the "fake" rollover I posted before, according to Grandma Nixon, ha ha :) )

On the 20th William was 5 months old, seems like it is going so fast. He is such a sweet boy, and his chubby cheeks keep the kisses coming regularly! He and his Dad are enjoying their weekly routine when I am working and Adam has mastered bedtime with him, having him fast asleep before I get home at 8pm. This is both great and a little sad for me, since I don't get to cuddle with him anymore at the end of a long day, but it is good for him to establish and keep a good bedtime at a decent hour! Also, the past few nights William has graced us with another (wonderful) milestone; he began sleeping 'through the night', staying asleep until around 3am and allowing his mom to get a nice solid chunk of sleep! It has only happened two nights in a row so far, but our hopes are high that this is a pattern that will continue. I wish I could say I feel so well rested, but unfortunately I have come down with a horrible cough and cold and have not felt well at all yesterday and today, but oh well I guess. William has a little cough but otherwise seems unscathed by my illness, and we are desperately hoping it stays that way!

So today is William's first Easter. He received cute bunnies from both of his grandparents and also from our neighbors who enjoy spoiling him as well! His great aunt Bonnie sent him a cute Easter onesie that I had to get some pictures of him wearing. We can't wait until we can send him on an Easter egg hunt, but we are satisfied with his smiles and giggles in the meantime!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chatting with Dad

William has been chatting it up with us so much lately, but he usually stops immediately if we try to get it on camera. Adam was able to coax a little conversation out of him the other day while I was at work. He is such a little charmer.