Saturday, May 28, 2011

6 Months Old and Growing...

Went to Will's 6 month check up last week and he is growing strong:
       18 lbs. 1 oz
       26 in long
I don't know what's up with the gray strip at the side, it's a phone pic so who knows!
This is Will trying to feed himself a little rice cereal. He is enjoying solids.

Friday, May 20, 2011

6 Months Old!

William is 6 months old today, and he is getting to be such a big boy! He is sitting up all by himself now, and so close to crawling he can taste it! Even though he isn't crawling he doesn't have any trouble moving himself around, we definetly have to keep an eye on him now when we set him down.  He has also started eating some solids, starting with rice cereal and has had a few tastes of some others, we are working on it as most of it ends up on his face and clothes! Sleeping is getting better, but only a few nights of sleeping all the way through, mostly he still wakes up a few times, but that's ok. The weather is finaly starting to get nice around here so we are all looking forward to spending some more time outside, today we had some play time on the grass in the front yard! Adam and I love our little man. He is growing so fast.

About to Take Off!

William is so close to crawling. He is such a squirmy wormy, as we call him, and as soon as he is put down he flips over, is on all fours and starts rocking back and forth or getting into a pike position and worming around. He is never in the same place you leave him anymore!

My First Mothers Day

Unfortunately I had to work on my first Mother's Day, but I got a great treat when William and his Dad came to visit me at work and brought me lunch! It really made my day to see my two favorite guys, but 30 minutes goes by soooo quick! When I got home I was greeted with a very sweet card and some beautiful flowers. It was a good Mother's Day.