Wednesday, June 22, 2011

William is 7 Months Old!

William is now 7 months old! He is such a good boy. Adam and I are loving every minute we have with him. He loves interacting with us, and has become quite ticklish! His laugh is amazing, it can make me smile even on my worst days! William has found his feet and enjoys playing with them, especially when we are trying to change his diaper. He has become quite the wiggle worm and doesn't like to sit still for long. He is not quite crawling but that doesn't mean he isn't moving himself around, and quickly! He mostly likes to get up in a pike/downward dog position and move himself around on his hands and  toes, it is pretty funny to watch, and darn cute! He loves reading books, bouncing in his Johnny Jump Up in the door way, and also loves his activity table/bouncer that Barb and Jim brought up for him (thank you!). William is eating lots of different solid foods these days too, he is a very good eater! We love our little man, he is growing so fast!

Enjoying some peas while sitting out in the yard, yum!

Rose LOVES to give William kisses. Despite our constant attempts to keep her from "kissing" his face it is always the first place she aims for, probably sniffing out the dried food that is usually somewhere on his face! But she is not too picky and also loves licking his hands and feet, something William enjoys and becomes quite fascinated with!
We were enjoying (one of the few) sunny days we have had up here in Portland. William loves crawling around and feeling the grass. We try to keep him on the blanket but he does his best to get into that grass! And if you look real close you can see some of Will's hair is getting a little longer and sticking up on the crown of his head!

Adam's First Father's Day

Father's Day; June 19th, 2011
 Adam had his first Father's Day and, unfortunately, I was working, but I was able to snap this shot before I left in the morning. They looked so adorable snuggling together, I couldn't resist! Adam reports that their snuggle time lasted only a few minutes after I left, but what can you expect from a 7 month old?! William got his daddy a cute card and some really good bags of coffee, even Rose got him a card! Even though I wasn't able to spoil him all day our wonderfully sweet neighbors, Dave and Connie, did it for me...they brought him some good coffee in the morning then surprised him with an awsome prime-rib dinner plate! Adam said it turned out to be a pretty great day, and best of all, he got to spend it with his son!

Playing in the yard with Dad, enjoying some sun and giggles!

This pic is not actually from Father's day, it's a few weeks before, but I thought it was a great picture of them! Gotta love those cheeks! William loves playing with his daddy, he always gets a huge smile on his face when Adam walks through the door after work. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful partner in this parenting gig!

William's First Trip to the Coast

June 12th, 2011. Fort Bragg, California
We recently went to Fort Bragg, California to attend a wedding for our friend's Maritsa and Dave. We had a great time, and William got to visit the coast for the first time. Grandma and Grandpa Nixon came with us and were wonderful enough to babysit in the evenings so Adam and I could have some "adult" time with our friends! Adam and I also celebrated our 5th year anniversary while we were there, June 10th! Can't believe it has been five years already, time flies, and seems to go even quicker now that William is around!
My parents got some great pictures with their grandson too, but I need to get them still so hopefully I will be able to post them soon.

After several attempts to get William to smile for the camera while sitting in these flowers this was the best shot they got! Still adorable! I love my little man.

At Dave and Maritsa's wedding, June 11th, 2011