Friday, December 16, 2011

William Turns One!

November 20th, 2011
Birthday morning, enjoying some banana!

I can't believe my little boy is already a year old. Could it really have gone by so fast? Wow! William was a lucky boy and had both sets of grandparents come to visit for his first birthday, even Uncle Whyatt came to celebrate! We had a great time, even though he came down with a little cold the day before his birthday, he still managed to enjoy himself. We had a small birthday party and William got to try cake for the first time!

William has continued to amaze us with how wonderful he is! Such a sweet boy that loves to cuddle and give kisses! He is so close to walking, has even done a few independent steps, but hasn't quite mastered the skill yet. However, he is a very proficient crawler, and really enjoys escaping from his mom and dad as quickly as he can while cracking up, especially when we are trying to change a diaper or put clothes on! He has four teeth on top (with one more on it's way) and four on the bottom. His favorite activities are reading books, listening to music (it gets him dancing every time, so adorable!), going for walks or hikes, playing with anything he is not supposed to (aka the remote, the TV, mommy or daddy's phone, etc!), swinging, and playing with kitchen utensils like the ladle or the wooden spoons. He also really loves rolling around in his baby walker. We pulled up most of the rugs and he just loves rolling around the house, 'chasing' after mom, dad and Rose! William talks to us all the time now, but the best we can make out on a regular basis is Dada, Momma, and Done...when we say "all done" with meals, books, bath time or whatever we might be finished with he promptly agrees "Done!"

The day after his birthday William had his 12 month check-up with Dr. El. His stats are as follows:
Weight: 21.4 pounds
Height: 29.5 inches

Adam and I just love the wonderful job of being parents. William has brought us more joy then we thought was possible. He is truly special and we are so thankful for every minute! We can't wait to see what the next year brings us with our beautiful son. Happy Birthday William, we love you!

William's First Birthday Cake

We had fun animal masks for the children, the big kids enjoyed them too! 
Grandpa Bill, William, Grandpa Rich, Daddy Adam and Uncle Whyatt


One of the cool birthday gifts from Grandma and Grandpa G
Abby the rocking Giraffe!

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